Quick Teaching Ideas

Just two quick ideas that I’ve been implementing lately that you might find useful not only for your students, but also for maximising your time as a teacher!

  1. Tearable Essay Questions

Tearable Photo

Avoid missing homework excuses, encourage independence, and stretch students’ individual study by creating a revision board of essay writing questions and creative writing stimuli. I’ve just refreshed the Tearable Essay Questions for our literature topics, as they were nearly gone 48 hours after I put the display together. Happy teacher!

2. Progress snapshots


Speed up parent/teacher evenings and minimise repeating yourself 1000 times by preparing snapshots of students’ progress that you can give to parents on the night. Once you’ve printed the grid (I print 4 per sheet and then guillotine), you only need to write their name (I also wrote their target grade) and tick the relevant columns. It’s something the student/parent can take away with them, and something they can refer back to. You can adapt the table for each class as necessary.


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