Write 4 Rights- Year 9

Teenagers are awesome! After the feminism conference a few weeks ago, I've been thinking about ways to encourage my students to take a more active role in their world. For a lot of my students, who live in a relatively orthodox community, their lack of knowledge about social justice issues in the world might seem … Continue reading Write 4 Rights- Year 9

Feminism in Schools- Conference

Yesterday my teacher friend Emily and I attended the Feminism in Schools conference at Deptford School, in the south of London. The day was geared at teachers and students, who want to see active change in the attitudes, policies and leadership around activism in education. In a word, it was AWESOME, and I could bang … Continue reading Feminism in Schools- Conference

Teaching representation in film: Black Panther and taking on White Hollywood

"I have seen gods fly. I have seen men build weapons that I couldn't even imagine. I have seen aliens drop from the sky. But I have never seen anything like this." As a white person, I have my endless pick of superheros who look like me represented in the media (male of course, which … Continue reading Teaching representation in film: Black Panther and taking on White Hollywood

International Women’s Day, 2018

I’ve been raised by intelligent, resilient women; it’s undoubtedly why I love women so much. I’ve always yammered on here and there (wherever kind friends would patiently lend me an ear) about women’s rights and tribulations, sometimes too aggressively, sometimes immaturely, but always with heart. And since working with girls, I’ve realised that this is perhaps one … Continue reading International Women’s Day, 2018