Why the world will always need superheroes

Year 7 just finished their non-fiction Media unit, which is always my favourite way to end the academic year. The main purpose of the unit is to teach students about the way non-fiction media texts persuade an audience, whether it's to entertain, inform, or manipulate. We explore and analyse films, advertisements (representation of women in advertisements … Continue reading Why the world will always need superheroes

Year 9- what a year!

As far as how my school structures the curriculum, the year 9 syllabus has to be my favourite to teach. We introduce GCSE skills at this early stage, but the year is broken up into three modules: Term 1: Crime and Punishment (thematic and genre study comprised of fiction and non-fiction texts) Term 2: Power … Continue reading Year 9- what a year!

Greek Allusion & Agency in ‘Macbeth’

An article that I wrote after a successful term of teaching Macbeth- useful for if you're looking for a new way of reading the text, or enhancing students' understanding of Shakespeare's nods to Greek myth and tradition.   Unless you are versed in the classics, many of Shakespeare’s allusions to Greek and Roman culture and … Continue reading Greek Allusion & Agency in ‘Macbeth’