Why the world will always need superheroes

Year 7 just finished their non-fiction Media unit, which is always my favourite way to end the academic year. The main purpose of the unit is to teach students about the way non-fiction media texts persuadeĀ an audience, whether it's to entertain, inform, or manipulate. We explore and analyse films, advertisements (representation of women in advertisements … Continue reading Why the world will always need superheroes

Year 9- what a year!

As far as how my school structures the curriculum, the year 9 syllabus has to be my favourite to teach. We introduce GCSE skills at this early stage, but the year is broken up into three modules: Term 1: Crime and Punishment (thematic and genre study comprised of fiction and non-fiction texts) Term 2: Power … Continue reading Year 9- what a year!

Quick Teaching Ideas

Just two quick ideas that I've been implementing lately that you might find useful not only for your students, but also for maximising your time as a teacher! Tearable Essay Questions Avoid missing homework excuses, encourage independence, and stretch students' individual study by creating a revision board of essay writing questions and creative writing stimuli. … Continue reading Quick Teaching Ideas